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How To Create Great Content

5 tips to Content Marketing for Real Results.

Get people talking about your product, services, and brand. Good content ensures loyalty, and engaging content can even help you build an engaged community.

Great content gets the people going!

How do you get started? I have outlined a step-by-step process to help you create amazing content.


1. Identify Your Content Marketing Goal

To begin with, ask yourself why you are making this content in the first place? Defining your goal is crucial. Your content is useless without a purpose, regardless of how good it is. Once you've decided on your content's purpose and goals, you need to determine how you should measure your progress. Consider key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

Check out this list of other KPIs you can measure.

2. Know your Audience

Since you know what your goal is for this content and how to measure the process you must also understand your audience. If your content isn't geared towards the people you want to reach, then what's the point? Having great content and gaining lots of attention is of no use if the audience isn't the intended one. Content marketing is all about educating and transforming your audience by answering the questions they have. Focus on, speak to, and interact with your audience. Think of your content as a seed, and your audience as the water. When more people are exposed to your content, it has a greater chance of growing and developing.

So how do you define your target audience?

1. Demographics: Are statistics that are quantitative and used for general understanding of who you are trying to reach.

In this regard, we consider factors such as:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity

  • Income

  • Level of education

2. Psychographics: This is qualitative data that cannot be measured like beliefs, values, and other personality driven characteristics.

When creating content, develop a persona of your target audience so you can identify who you are aiming for once you get started.

3. Start with a blog

Blogs allow you to directly communicate with your target audience. Content such as this one can serve as a template for other types of content for different platforms.

Pro tip: Start by writing an excellent blog post. Using this outline, you will be able to create micro-content. It also helps your websites SEO while providing great value to your audience. The first thing you need for a blog to be successful is a catchy headline.

  1. A great headline draws the reader in and piques their interest. The headline of your blog should be able to convey what your blog is about in a manner that is simple and compelling. Imagine yourself as the user searching for the topic you are writing about.

Do not use clickbait. People don't want to click on a headline, think it will answer their questions, then learn it's about something totally different. Although your blog may gain views, your audience is not likely to be loyal and will be dissatisfied.

2. Use tools like Ubersuggest to do keyword research. Study the keywords you wish to include in your blog. Start by figuring out which words rank the highest in the searches and start incorporating some of them into your writing. When doing this, be natural.

Great writing does not have to be formal or robotic, despite what many people have drilled into your brain. Make the content interesting and easy to understand. Incorporate hyperlinks into the blog on key points the user may be interested in learning more about. Include images that are clear and professional. You can find free to use images at Unsplash or Pexels.

4. Slice and dice

You should take the awesome content you created for your blog and create micro content from it. Maybe your next Instagram caption under a relevant image could be a memorable sentence. Alternatively, you could create a TikTok video explaining key takeaways from the blog and in the caption refer your audience to the blog for more information. Always keep in mind that your content must be platform-specific. Facebook users have different expectations than Instagram users, so you need to curate your content differently. Despite the fact that it's the same blog, the way you communicate on each platform varies.

Every platform is a pillar, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, TikTok, etc.

The pillars work together to house your content marketing goal. Your blog is the roof that protects your goal and needs the pillars to sustain it. By posting micro-content on social media, you can increase traffic to your blog on your website, increasing your SEO while increasing your social media following. It's a win-win-win situation.

Using your blogs as a launchpad for creating platform-specific content that aligns with your goals for content marketing, while tracking your results with KPIs, is the idea.

5. post and promote

When all is said and done, you post the content. You should share it on the social media platforms your target audience uses. A piece of content can be promoted by ads, however, I recommend only using paid promotion for content that is already performing well organically. You can presume more people who see the content will feel the same way because you already know people like the content. Create great content!




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