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How-To Launch Performance Max

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Performance Max campaigns are generating a lot of attention.

Here's a quick guide to

setting up your first performance max campaign so you can participate in future discussions!

What is Performance Max?

“A unified buying service to all Google Ads inventory”- Google Ads API

This means Google automates:

  • Bids

  • Budget

  • Placements

  • Creatives

You simply define a goal and provide all of the assets and information about what you are advertising, and Performance Max campaigns can serve in any of the current Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and Discovery placements. The rest will be handled by Performance Max. However, just because it will use your creatives to find your customers does not mean that this is a set it and forget it campaign. Hand holding and proper setup are required; otherwise, you risk spending a lot of money for little return.

It is important to note that the learning phase for performance max campaigns can take up to three weeks for enough data to accumulate before you can make changes, so be deliberate in your setup process.

Data feed

Submit your product feed to the Google Merchant Center then link it to your Performance Max campaign.

Submit as much info for your products as possible:

  • Brand


  • UPC Code

  • Descriptive Titles (include keywords!)

  • Google Taxonomy/Categorization

  • Product Type

  • Multiple Images

  • Custom Labels

Choose your advertising objective.

For E-Commerce select "Purchases" as your campaigns primary objective. Otherwise select the campaign objective that matches with your intended goal.


When setting up your campaign, after choosing your targeted locations, make sure to select Presence: People in or regularly in your targeted locations.

Caution: Google's default selects targeting people in or interested in your target location...

Asset Groups

The messaging & creative assets should be tightly themed to the product or service within the group.

Caution: If you don’t provide a video, Google's AI will make a one for's not great.

Pro Tip: You can strategically remove elements of your PMax campaign to control where your ad is shown. Example could be removing video all together to ensure your campaign does not run on YouTube.


Do you want to focus on new customer acquisition?

Upload your customer list and have the system exclude them from all targeting!

Coming Soon-ish: Negative keywords may soon be available for excluding specific search terms from your PMax campaigns.

Pro Tip: Contact support to add negatives! They will send you an email with instructions to add negative keywords on your behalf.

Audience Signals

A signal to find your ideal customer.

You can add audience signals like:

Interest Based

  • You can target people based on pre-determined interests provided by Google.

Website Visitors

  • Users can be targeted based on the pixel data in your account. Google will target new customers based on your pixel data, such as visitors, leads, and purchasers.

Pro Tip: Consider audience signals as a compass, pointing the algorithm in the general direction of where prospects might be, rather than exactly where they are.

There are many points of view on best practices for performance max campaigns, but each account will yield different results. Experimenting after you've set up your campaign is the best way to learn. Test different audience signals, creatives, copy, and other elements until you find what works best for you. Because this type of campaign is unique and evolving, I recommend following creators who can share their experience with upcoming changes and joining in on the conversations with your insights!

Have you used PMax yet?

Download the digital slideshow below for future reference or to share my content on social media with your peers. Enjoy!




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